Drone industry, here we come!
The Civil UAVs Initiative is a pioneering strategic initiative in Europe led by the Xunta de Galicia, to attract investments and to develop innovative solutions in the aerospace sector.
ENERCRAFT set a strategic priority for 2022, which was to become part of this unique ecosystem, by gaining access to the Business Factory Aero – BFAero, a business accelerator which is a key part of the Civil UAVs Initiative, providing infrastructure and means to enable several selected companies to develop innovative products and services for the unmanned vehicles market.
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded with the privilege of being part of the BFAero Program, which will allow us to introduce our products in a sector that is growing exponentially, at 18% each year.
Thanks for trusting us! And congratulations to all the other companies and entrepreneurs that will be part of the Incubation, Acceleration and Consolidation phases.